Meera says she is against sending children to schools during COVID-19

Pakistani film actress Meera speaks to Geo News during her visit to an educational institution in Karachi. Photo: Geo News screengrab

KARACHI: Renowned film star Meera has warned that coronavirus has affected the entire world hence people should not send their children to schools, as Pakistan reopened primary schools from September 28 a few days ago.

This was said by the actress while she was speaking to Geo News during her visit to an educational institute. Meera revealed that she has been very careful since she came back from the US, adding that her doctor had advised her to keep distance from people.

The film star said that she is fine and has no ailments of any kind. “However I feel that those who wish me ill tried to make me sick," she said.

The actress assured her fans that she would participate in the government's tree-planting campaign, saying “I will take part with you in this movement”.

She praised the prime minister’s vision regarding measures to tackle climate change, and extended her cooperation in the success of the tree plantation campaign.

"We will put in our efforts to plant 10,000 trees every year," she said.

She suggested that children should not be sent to schools. "First of all, try to save your lives," she advised. "If I would have a child I won't send him to school”.

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