Nation celebrates Eid-ul-Azha today

ISLAMABAD/PESHAWAR: The nation is celebrating Eid-ul-Azha today amid the coronavirus pandemic, to commemorate the supreme sacrifice of Prophet Hazrat Ibrahim (AS).
The day began with special prayers in mosques for the well-being of the Ummah and progress, prosperity, safety and security of the country.
Religious scholars, in their Eid sermons will highlight the importance to follow the Sunnah of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS). In the Federal Capital, the main Eid congregation will be held at the Faisal Mosque.
Following the Eid prayers, the Muslims will perform the ritual of sacrificing animals, spend their time feasting with family and friends, and distribute sacrificial meat among their family members, friends, and the poor.
The government has advised the faithful to follow the standard operating procedures (SOPs) for containing the COVID-19 while perform the ritual of sacrificing animals. While offering Eid prayers, they should keep distance, and avoid hugging and instead extend only greetings.
President Dr Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Imran Khan have urged upon the nation to be more dedicated to the cause of Eidul Azha and help the poor and needy, particularly in a situation amid coronavirus.
In his message to the nation on Eidul Azha, President Alvi said while celebrating an occasion with a spirit of sacrifice, one must not forget the deserving people. The president felicitated the entire Pakistani nation and the Islamic world on Eidul Azha, and said that "surely this happy occasion will bring a lot of happiness and accomplishments in our life".
He said Allah Almighty tested His chosen servants by putting them to various challenges. "These great personalities have been fully successful in the tests, giving us a lesson that the key to success is to be steadfast in the face of trials and difficulties and to be ever ready to make any sacrifice" he said.
He mentioned that the whole world was concerned about the coronavirus, which had negatively impacted the people across the globe. He said the pandemic had taken a heavy toll on the world economically, with even the powerful governments struggling to provide relief to their people.
The president quoted a Hadith as saying that when the people around Medina were suffering from famine, Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) forbade them to collect more meat for more than three days (Saheeh Bukhari, hadeeth 5569). "Therefore, one must find the needy people around them and some share of the sacrifice must be delivered to them," he said.
He stressed that the most important thing at this point was not to ignore the safety measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus. "On this occasion, we should pray to Allah Almighty to protect us from the negative impact of this pandemic. Amen," he said.
While greeting the nation on the occasion of Eidul Azha, Prime Minister Imran Khan has urged the people to strictly follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) on Eidul Azha to contain the spread of coronavirus. There should be no needless visits to loved ones and the people should go outside if it were necessary, he said.
Meanwhile, Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Shah Farman has extended heartiest felicitations to Muslim Ummah particularly people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on occasion of Eidul Azha and said the day revives in us the spirit of sacrifice for the sake of both Allah and humanity.
In his message on Eidul Azha here issued Friday, the KP governor said the spirit of sacrifice leads a nation, society and individual to the highest rank of morality resulting into an unflinching social prosperity. “We truly are the custodians of a noble cause which emphasises dignity and love of humanity. In addition, it lets the followers of Islam realise that they should be ready for every service required for the well-being of humanity,” he added.
“Alhamdulillah Pakistanis are among top rated charity nation that was helping poor and destitute fellows following teachings of Islam. Eidul Azha reminds us that we should not hesitate to help others and win the blessings of Allah,” he said.
The governor also urged nation to look after poor and generously extend their charity towards daily wage workers who are badly affected by COVID-19 pandemic. He also called for unity among ranks following the injunctions of Allah and teachings of Holy Prophet (PBUH) to overcome the challenges faced by the country.
“Islam is the religion of peace and harmony and we as a Muslims need to pledge on this special occasion that we would dedicate ourselves to service of humanity and also promote the noble cause,” the governor said.
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